That his closer to home than I am willing to admit.
That his closer to home than I am willing to admit.
got ya right in the feels! lol
Ok...where to start?
First up, it's not a masterpiece. Not at all. The idea is good and holds alot of potential yes. Games like "this is the only level" showed that. This game, however, is more nay than yay.
I do not have alot against the visuals, because they are clearly intendet to be minimalist and this style also works in favor of the game. Still, a BIT more animation would have been desirable.
The music choice is also ok.
Where it fails for me are the levels.
Mind you, not all were horrible. Some were pretty decent, but there is nothing extraordinary about these that stands out. Doppelganger, invisible walls and the like have been done ad infinitum. Those levels that seem to be somewhat interesting, like "not so fast", have been executed poorly, probably due to lack of testing in development or because they were not thought through enough.
So we have 3 ok levels and 2 broken ones until I decided that I had enough. Turns out that, by reading the comments of the other people, I've actualy seen everything and that it ends with "to be continued". I assume that this was some sort of "demo" for us, to get us excited for more. Unfortunately, it backfired. It's not a horrible game, but nothing extraordinary and nothing I would pick up again, let alone asking for more of it.
I kinda liked it. The visuals were appealing, the gameplay was tight, in some way challenging, had a well planed upgrading system and a fair difficulty curve.
What kept me from giving this game a solid 4.5/5 was the poor optimisation. I found myself being killed due to performance issues one too many times. A game can be as good as it wants: If it fails at optimization and thus has a bad performance, it, unfortunately, affects the entire project negatively. That is sad, because otherwise, this game is realy GOOD.
I hope that you will fix this in your next projects, because you have realy shown some promise with this one.
Too few and too short levels, hazards that cannot be avoided whatsoever and meh visuals.
The controll concept, however, is something I liked and if the game would have been more polished, it could have been realy good. But for what it is, it's wasted potential.
Illustrator, comic and concept artist
Age 31, Male
Joined on 7/20/13