Good evening, fellas
this advent is going on without breaks and neither is our countdown. 9 Days have passed since I began this and there is some stuff worth talking about. So lets go!
Meeting limits
Granted, I might have caught something, but thats not the point. In this 9 days, I've meet myself struggling with things that would be considered "essential". Most notably are perspective, buildings and anatomical details. In order to combat this, I'll intensify my studies in these disciplines.
I'm even taking the art workshops, including the one of concept art, into concideration. Mind you, that would happen once the countdown is over (if at all).
I'm glad that I begin to find my limits. Now, I can work towards bringing them down.
Exhaustion, whats that?
When I began this thing, I thought I would cave in after 4 days and go back playing video games for 5 hours straight. I am genuinely surprised by myself how much I managed to do in the past week and how well I feel because of it.
Granted, It's 2 more weeks to go, but I am on a roll and I wont stop now. It's too good to stop!
In short: Not tired at all. the next 15 days can come!
The tough message
First up: No, the upper paragraphs WEREN'T a joke and I'll not shut down everything.
However, I've ran into a problem: My academy is having a christmas party this thursday. It's our way to celebrate the "end" of the year and the beginning of vacations (or as I like to call them: "free labor time", since we have so much to do). Because of this, I see myself forced to cancel this thursdays livestream.
The only reason why I am doing it is because I will deliver an illustration nontheless. Also, the activity in my streams generaly leans towards the weekends, meaning that there are less people visiting them during the week.
However, omission is omission. I will deliver something else to fill the void. Stay tuned for further announcements.
Picture list: