Hello fellas,
like every week, here is the update.
For the duration of the "christmas countdown" (see here: http://bazookabonsai.newgrounds.com/news/post/913014 ) these updates will mainly revolve around upcoming pictures, special events and maybe some off topic stuff. Since the countdown now takes up alot of my time, there is alot to talk about.
Upcoming pictures
I do not want to spoil too much, since it would kill all the fun. I can, however, say that most of the week will be pretty sci-fi oriented. I also plan to expand more into cartoons in the folowing days, since my two last pictures are fairly similar in style. One of the big advantages of this action is that I can really cut loose with styles. Might aswell take full advantage of it.
My twitter is almost good to go. You can already keep an eye on it for announcements, general goodness I find on the interwebs or me rambling about stuff.
Also, I'm planning a handfull of small events for throughout the month. Stay tuned for future announcements.
I'll be at an art exhibit this Saturday. For the sake of the countdown, I will leave sooner. However, the livestream will move to 9:30 pm CET.
I also want to say: Thank you for the moral support up to now. I know we are just 2 days in, but I don't care about that.
Picture List:
Day 1 : http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/bazookabonsai/011214
Day 2 : http://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/bazookabonsai/021214