Hello everyone.
This post is happening a good deal later than I originally intended. For now, lets just say life threw a curve ball at me and it destroyed my stomach.
To summarize my thoughts from the stream as cohesively and briefly as possible:
My current employment situation made me realize that not only did I work similar-ish jobs in logistics and storage for nearly 10 years, but that I can not go on doing these jobs anymore going forward. What first started as a student job became most of my professional life and its time to move on.
Same job is also sub-par, especially when weighting cost of health and safety against payout, and I must move on to more profitable and safer things.
Thus I see to expertise my efforts in either finding proper employment as a designer, or taking off into freelancing proper, with the goal of the latter being able to support myself (and hopefully others) working as a full-time creative. There were many things happening my my past life that kept me from pursuing that career properly and now I am ready to go for it.
I intent to start small, so I will open commissions very soon. I will open with Robo-OC commissions by popular demand, but also offer bigger work under a proper contract. Some people were talking about prints and I will look into those going forward too.
Lastly, I will soon announce my coming dark-science-fiction webtoon proper, with a proper synopsis and release date.
I have been keeping it under wraps for so long to really figure out what I want the story to be and where I want to take it, and its almost ready to see the light of day. With the launch of my webcomic I would make a small longtime-dream of mine finally true.
I worked most of my professional life in a field I never wanted much of a part of and intent to break into full-time creative work.
Also webcomic is soon to come.
You can rewatch the whole stream here:
Good luck!